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  • Writer's pictureViktor Vukovic

Top 5 Factors That Impact Strata Insurance Quotes

Updated: May 11, 2023

Are you considering purchasing strata insurance? If so, it's important to understand the various factors that impact your insurance quotes.

From the location and age of your building to the materials used in construction, these aspects can greatly affect your premiums. The good news is that there are ways to reduce these costs without sacrificing coverage.

In this blog post, we'll explore the top factors that influence strata insurance quotes and offer tips on how you can lower your premiums. So read on to make sure you're getting the best deal possible for your strata insurance needs!

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Location and Age of Building

The location and age of your building are two major factors that can impact the cost of strata insurance. Buildings located in areas with high crime rates or prone to natural disasters, such as floods or earthquakes, may result in higher premiums due to increased risk. Additionally, older buildings may have outdated infrastructure and be more susceptible to damage or loss.

On the other hand, buildings located in safe neighborhoods with low crime rates and excellent emergency services tend to have lower premiums. Newer buildings with modern construction methods and materials offer greater durability and typically require fewer repairs over time.

It's important to note that insurers consider both location and age when assessing risk factors for a property. If you're considering purchasing strata insurance for an older building located in a high-risk area, expect your premiums to reflect these factors.

However, it's still possible to reduce your costs by shopping around for competitive insurance quotes from multiple insurers who specialize in insuring properties like yours.

Building Materials Used

The building materials used in a strata property can significantly impact the insurance quotes. Buildings that are constructed using fire-resistant materials such as brick, stone and concrete are considered less risky and may receive lower premiums than those made of wood or other flammable materials.

The age of the building is also considered when evaluating the risk factor. Older buildings with outdated construction techniques and safety standards may be more likely to experience damage or cause accidents, which could increase insurance premiums.

In addition to the type of material used for construction, it’s important to consider any recent renovations or updates made to a property. Upgrades that improve safety features and reduce risks such as installing smoke detectors, sprinkler systems or CCTV cameras can help decrease insurance costs.

When shopping for strata insurance coverage, make sure you disclose all relevant information about your property’s construction history and any upgrades made so that insurers can provide an accurate quote based on these factors.

Being mindful of the building materials used in constructing your strata property can go a long way towards reducing your insurance premium while ensuring adequate coverage for potential risks.

Type of Coverage Needed

When it comes to strata insurance, the type of coverage needed can greatly impact the insurance quotes you receive. It's important to carefully consider the level of coverage your building requires and ensure that you are adequately protected against potential risks.

Firstly, consider if your strata building needs basic or comprehensive coverage. Basic coverage typically covers common areas such as hallways and elevators, while comprehensive coverage may include individual units as well.

It's also important to think about specific risks that are relevant to your area or building type. For example, buildings in flood-prone areas may require additional flood insurance coverage.

Another factor to consider is liability protection. Liability claims can be costly for a strata corporation, so ensuring adequate protection is essential. This includes coverage for injuries on common property or damage caused by the building itself.

Don't forget about optional extras such as machinery breakdown or loss of rent cover which may be necessary depending on your specific circumstances.

By taking these factors into consideration when selecting your strata insurance policy, you'll not only ensure that you have adequate protection but also potentially reduce premiums by only paying for what is necessary and relevant for your unique situation.

Deductible Amounts and Limits of Liability

Deductible amounts and limits of liability are some of the most crucial factors that can affect your strata insurance quotes. A deductible is the amount you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance kicks in to cover a loss or damage claim. On the other hand, limits of liability refer to the maximum amount an insurer will pay for a covered loss.

When it comes to deductibles, higher amounts often translate into lower premiums as insurers assume less risk. However, setting too high a deductible means you'll have to shoulder more expenses if something happens.

On the other hand, choosing low limits of liability may result in insufficient coverage when disaster strikes. It's essential always to review your policy with an agent who can help determine what level of coverage is appropriate for your situation.

Ultimately, finding balance between deductibles and limits of liability is key to reducing strata insurance premiums while ensuring adequate protection in case something unexpected occurs.

How to Reduce Your Strata Insurance Premiums

Reducing your strata insurance premiums can be a great way to save money while ensuring that your property remains protected. Here are some tips on how to reduce your strata insurance premiums.

Firstly, consider increasing the deductible amount you pay when making a claim. While this may mean paying more out of pocket in the event of an incident, it can significantly lower your monthly premium.

Secondly, review and compare quotes from different insurers as rates vary considerably among providers. It's essential to do thorough research before choosing one insurer over another.

Thirdly, make sure that all necessary safety measures have been implemented in your building. This includes things like smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and secure access controls for residents' peace of mind.

Fourthly, consider bundling policies with other types of insurances such as car or home insurance as many insurers offer discounts for multiple policies.

Ensure that all members within the community follow best practices around risk management including taking care not to damage common areas which could lead to additional claims being made against the policyholder's account.


Strata insurance quotes are influenced by several factors, including the location and age of the building, building materials used, type of coverage needed, deductible amounts, and limits of liability.

By understanding these factors and taking steps to mitigate risks such as installing security features or conducting regular maintenance checks on your property can help reduce your premiums.

It is also important to shop around for strata insurance policies and compare quotes from different insurers. This way you can ensure that you are getting the best coverage at a reasonable price.

Remember that investing in strata insurance is essential for protecting your property against unforeseen damages or accidents that can be costly to repair. With proper research and risk management strategies in place, you can find affordable strata insurance that meets all your needs.


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