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  • Writer's pictureViktor Vukovic

Strata Insurance Quote Hacks: Save Big on Your Premiums

Updated: Mar 7

In the landscape of Australian property ownership, strata insurance emerges as an essential component for protecting shared spaces and collective assets.

However, navigating the costs associated with strata insurance can be complex and often costly for many strata property owners and managers.

Given Australia's unique nature of strata schemes, finding ways to effectively manage and reduce these costs without compromising coverage is vital.

This article delves into practical and insightful hacks for saving big on your strata insurance premiums. From understanding the nuances of policy selection to implementing strategic measures, we explore a range of cost-saving tips specifically tailored to the Australian strata insurance market. 

Table of Contents


Grasping the Basics of Strata Insurance in Australia 


Strata insurance, a critical element for multi-unit properties like apartments and townhouses, covers the building, common property, and shared contents under the strata title.

In Australia, this type of insurance is not just a prudent choice but a legal requirement for strata schemes. It covers common areas such as gardens, pools, car parks, and lifts, susceptible to various risks, from natural disasters to public liability claims. 

Several factors influence the premiums for strata insurance in Australia. These include the property's location, the building's age and condition, the area's risk profile (like flood or bushfire risks), and the value of insured items in common areas.

Other elements like the claims history of the strata and the presence of risk mitigation measures also play a significant role in determining the cost. 

Understanding these factors is crucial for any strata committee or property manager, as it lays the foundation for identifying cost-saving opportunities. Strata insurance, while mandatory, offers various avenues through which costs can be optimised without sacrificing essential coverage. 

Strategies for Reducing Strata Insurance Expenses 


Reducing the cost of strata insurance in Australia doesn't have to mean cutting corners on coverage. By adopting specific strategies, strata managers and owners can make significant savings. Here are some practical cost-saving tips: 

Regular Building Maintenance and Upgrades: A well-maintained property is less likely to incur insurance claims. Routine maintenance and upgrades, such as fixing structural issues or updating old wiring, can reduce the risk of damage and, consequently, the cost of premiums. Insurers often view such properties as lower risk, which can lead to more favourable insurance rates. 

Increasing Deductibles: Choosing a higher deductible can help reduce the cost of your insurance premium. It's essential, however, to balance this with the financial capacity of the strata to cover these deductibles in the event of a claim. 

Reviewing and Tailoring Coverage: It's crucial to regularly review your strata insurance policy to ensure that it's aligned with the current needs and values of the property. Over-insurance can lead to unnecessarily high premiums, while under-insurance could leave the strata vulnerable. Tailoring your coverage can help avoid both extremes. 

Implementing Risk Management Measures: Introducing measures to reduce risks, such as installing security systems and fire safety equipment and conducting regular safety audits, can significantly lower insurance costs. These measures demonstrate to insurers that proactive steps are being taken to mitigate potential claims. 

Group Policies and Bulk Discounts: If managing multiple strata properties, consider negotiating group policies or bulk discounts with insurers. This can often result in more favourable terms and lower premiums due to the collective bargaining power. 

Implementing these strategies requires a proactive and informed approach but can lead to considerable savings on strata insurance premiums in Australia without compromising on the necessary coverage. 

The Role of an Insurance Broker in Strata Insurance 


In the realm of strata insurance in Australia, the role of a strata insurance broker is both pivotal and multifaceted. A broker's expertise can be the key to unlocking significant cost savings while ensuring the strata remains comprehensively protected. Here's how they contribute: 


Expert Navigation of the Insurance Market: Insurance brokers possess deep knowledge of the strata insurance market, including an understanding of various insurers' offerings and pricing structures. They can guide strata managers through the maze of options to find a policy that offers the best value for money. 

Customised Policy Solutions: Brokers excel in tailoring policies to fit the unique needs of each strata property. They can assess the specific risks and requirements of a property and negotiate with insurers to provide coverage that is both comprehensive and cost-effective. 

Risk Assessment and Management Advice: Brokers can provide valuable insights into risk management strategies for strata properties. They can advise on effective ways to reduce risk, which can not only enhance the safety and security of the property but also lower insurance premiums. 

Streamlined Claims Process: In case of a claim, having a broker can simplify and speed up the process. Brokers can handle the complexities of claim filing and liaise with the insurer on behalf of the strata, ensuring a smoother and more efficient resolution. 

Ongoing Support and Review: The role of a broker doesn't end with purchasing a policy. They offer continuing support, regularly reviewing the policy to ensure it remains aligned with the strata's needs and adapting it to any changes in the property or the broader insurance market. 


By leveraging the expertise of a broker, strata managers in Australia can navigate the often-complex world of strata insurance with greater ease and confidence, ensuring they secure the best possible coverage at the most cost-effective price. 

Success Stories: Cost Efficiency in Australian Strata Properties 


To illustrate the practical application of these cost-saving strategies, let's look at some real-life examples from the Australian strata insurance market: 

Proactive Maintenance Leads to Premium Reduction: A strata complex in Melbourne undertook extensive maintenance work, including roof repairs and updating fire safety systems. This proactive approach led to a reassessment of their risk profile, resulting in a 10% reduction in their insurance premiums. 

Tailored Coverage Brings Down Costs: A small strata scheme in Sydney worked with their broker to carefully review and tailor their policy. By eliminating unnecessary add-ons and accurately assessing the value of their joint property, they decreased their annual premium by 15%. 

Group Policy for Multiple Strata Units: A property management company in Brisbane negotiated a group policy for several of their managed strata properties. This collective approach enabled them to secure a bulk discount, reducing each property's overall insurance costs by 20%. 

These case studies demonstrate how various strategies, including regular maintenance, policy customisation, and group insurance arrangements, have successfully led to significant savings on strata insurance premiums for properties across Australia. 



Navigating the complexities of strata insurance in Australia can be a challenging task. Still, with the right strategies and expert guidance, significant savings can be achieved without compromising essential coverage.

Regular property maintenance, careful review and tailoring of coverage, implementing risk management measures, considering group policies, and the strategic use of an insurance broker are all effective ways to reduce premiums.

By applying these cost-saving tips, strata managers and owners can ensure they get the best possible value from their insurance policy, safeguarding their properties while managing their finances wisely. 


Brisbane Office

67 Lytton Rd, East Brisbane Queensland 4169.

Sunshine Coast Office

2 Innovation Pkwy, Birtinya Queensland 4575. 

Strata Title Protect is part of the Sirius Insurance Group.

AFSL 550946
ACN 096 916 184

ABN 60 606 142 027

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